
January 12, 2021

Author: Leena


私たちハジメ・ソリューションズは嬉しいことに、ニューノーマルへのシフトを突破して、2020年にコロナ禍にも関わらず会社として成長も実現することができました。簡単に2020年をまとめてみますと、以下のようなプロセスと成り行きが出てきます。(English below)

私たちハジメ・ソリューションズはパンデミックの前も在宅ワークが一般的でした。パンデミックによって在宅ワークが進められたとき、私たちはそれにふさわしいメソッドはツールをもうすでに生かして、Work from homeに慣れていたといってもいいでしょう。もちろん、F2Fミーティングが完全になくなったので、弊社の社員全員はオンラインミーティングのやり方やオンラインでの人との接し方のプロフェッショナル研修を受けてきました。実は、2019年に比べて、カスタマーミーティング率が30%も上がりました。そして、2020年にかけて、リーン・シンキングやサービスデザインのメソッドを導入した結果として、社内事業を改善してより効率よく働くようになったことが指摘できます。





Business consulting achievements



With 2021 safely under way, it’s time to go through some top things we at Hajime Solutions have achieved back in 2020. Looking back, we are happy to announce that despite the situation with COVID-19, Hajime Solutions was able to continue its operations and even attain growth.

Even previous to the pandemic era, Hajime Solutions had a well-established infrastructure for remote working. As the situation with COVID-19 unraveled, we adapted swiftly to the new normal. In fact, we were able to increase our customer meetings by a whopping 30 per cent in 2020! Throughout 2020, we have also practiced lean thinking and service design in order to crystallize our internal operations, leading to more effective and value-enhancing working model. In addition, we made sure to professionally train ourselves on how to interact with customers and clients online, a journey that is still continuing this year. Our goal is to become the company that will brighten your day through any meeting – online or F2F – this year!

Also acknowledging the mental toll that prolonged remote working can have on employees, Hajime administered paid daily outdoors breaks for its employees well-being. Walking, running or merely admiring the nature – we believe we are seeing the results of being able to enjoy fresh air in a meaningful way among our employees, especially during the darkest time of the year. You can see some shots from these sessions in our newly-launched social media sites Twitter and Instagram. We also launched our fully Japanese website back in 2020.

Because of the overall economic situation brought about by the pandemic, we are especially happy to announce that 2020 saw an increase in our team members and skill sets. Through new strategic recruitments we can now pride ourselves on being able to offer fluent Japanese client support.

In 2021, we will keep on making sure that the communication and mutual benefit between Japanese and Nordic companies never stops. Let’s be active and turn obstacles into opportunities!


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